How To Know If She’s The Right Fuckbook Hookup For You

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I know, this is hookup dating. It’s not that complicated to find a sexy single on Fuckbook and get laid. You don’t need to take any personality tests or surveys or write long bios. You just need to show up with an energetic, willing attitude and the sex falls into your lap.

Sure, mostly. But just because you’re on a hookup site doesn’t mean that you throw all traditional online dating rules out the door.

You still want to find the “right hookup.”

So how does that happen?

The hookup world is unlike the traditional dating world. Girls are much less concerned with your 401k retirement plan. They are living in the now. And for that matter, so are you. Finding a good consistent fuck buddy on Fuckbook means doing a little work. Again, I said “a little,” not a lot. Don’t sweat it, this is easy!

What Can She Do For You Now?

fuckbook dating tips

When you are chatting with a potential fuck buddy, ask yourself the question, what can she do for you right now?

What I mean is, do you feel as though she’s just leading you on? If you have been chatting with a girl for over a week and there have been no advances, she might just be stringing you along. And this can waste your time.

I’m not saying the girl must meet you the same night you exchange some messages. Being safe should be the main priority for everyone involved in adult online dating. But there are levels that need to be achieved. Maybe you talk on chat, or do a video call? At some point, you need to go through due dilegence. If you and her are chatting but getting nowhere, you might realize she doesn’t have much for you right now.

In such cases, you need to realize every message you send her is a message that could have went to a new prospective fuck buddy.

How New To Fuckbook Is She?

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If she’s super new to Fuckbook, it doesn’t mean she’s a dudd. In fact, it could signal she’s ready to go. But the knowledge matters to you because it helps you guage her readiness to move into fuck buddy territory.

If she’s been on Fuckbook a while, she probably knows exactly what she wants. If you aren’t it, she should move on. Or, she’ll stall you (we discussed this in the section above).

Knowledge is power. Understanding her Fuckbook exposure helps you decipher where things may go and how they’ll play out.

Does She Complain About Other Hookups a Lot?

fuckbook dating tips

If she’s a complainer, you might just avoid.

Because in the end, you’ll be the ire of her passion at some juncture. Its only a matter of time. Complainers introduce negativity into everything. If there is one thing a hookup site should be, it’s fun and happy. That’s the entire point. You aren’t going through the trials and tribulations of relationship building, you instead are appeasing your primal instincts.

Complainers bring you down. They lower your energy and exaust you. Its important to be cautious of whiners.

Being a Fuckbook member should be fun times. If someone makes it feel exausting, they are probably the problem.

Does She Ghost You Often?

Do you feel as though the momentum and sexual tension is building and then poof, she’s gone for weeks only to reappear with a vague excuse?

Listen, it’s important to take into account that a lot of girls on Fuckbook are married and looking for side-dick. So expecting immediate responses will only hurt your feelings.

But disappearing for long periods of time might be an indication of a girl who just uses Fuckbook to feel better about herself. Some girls are in shitty relationships with cheater guys. The come on to Fuckbook and talk about cheating, but don’t have the guts to go full revenge sex. When the kitchen gets hot, they run. Or the guy comes back and things feel good again, so they disappear.

You will probably never get anywhere with this girl. She’ll consistently use you to feel better about her own life, as if she has some control over her crappy boyfriend or husband.


Dating on Fuckbook is certainly less romance-intensive than a traditional dating site. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t still trying to find a match. People are people, even if we want to bang, we must find common ground and get along, even if just for a few minutes. We need respect for time and energy. Doing a little hookup due diligence can go a long way in helping you avoid annoyances.