Coronavirus May Cause Spike In Sex Hookups

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Its that time of year, many sexy girls are going back to college. While it may not be the exact same situation in the traditional sense as years past, given the coronavirus, it still marks a change in the way hookups go down.

But not all is lost for singles looking to hookup this Fall. In fact, if you look at the glass as half full, you might find more ample opportunities for hookups than you did in past years. It’s all about embracing the times rather than complaining about them.

So what are some solid Fuckbook tips for handling the back to school rush?

Remote Learning Might Be Advantageous

For many girls this semester in blown. And no, I’m not talking about blowjob dates, at least yet. I’m talking about these stifling coronavirus restrictions which continue to plague colleges across the nation. Whether a girl takes a pass on this college semester or has to take a course at home via Zoom, hot girls are online and at home.

This is a recipe for hookup madness.

Sure, things feel depressing out there, but true winners always leverage rough times to their advantage. This is true of hookups as much as it is of business.

One thing to note, make sure you use a VPN for things like Zoom and other video conferencing software. Its good to protect your private data.

Girls Have Been Stressed All Summer

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Everything is depressing. Seriously, scroll through social media and you quickly realize that most people are flat miserable. Many are helplessly miserable, in other words, they don’t know any other way of life that isn’t misery induced. They almost avoid good news.

Depression breeds hookups because people need escapes. Many guys and girls are looking to infuse their lives with fun, sexy hookups. A hookup is an ultimate escape. It offers not only sexual fun, but also much-needed companionship.

The environment is a hookup tempest brewing in the skies beyond.

Community Colleges Will Be Stacked

It’s becoming more and more apparent that community colleges are big money savers when it comes to basic pre-requisite courses. Plus, the traditional college experiences of campus life are compromised due to the pandemic. This may pull a lot more girls into the community college sphere.

Girls in community college aren’t mingling with frat bros all the time and many live at home, lowering the density of potential hookups they experience.

Because of these unprecedented circumstances, girls might be on the hookup prowl. And that’s great news for a bro like yourself.

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Some Girls May Take Time Off

Some girls may choose to opt-out of college this semester for financial reasons, or because they don’t want to deal with the hassles of uncertainty. These girls may feel a little lost as they miss the college life comradery, or don’t feel as though they have a purpose in life.

Hence, they may seek out a discreet fling to entertain them through the semester. We’ve already experienced an uptick in female signups, which is a clear indication that girls are flatly bored. It may be a ripe time to score some fun sex.

Bars Aren’t So Important Anymore

If you hate the bar scene, you’re probably in luck. No matter where you live, bars simply are not thriving. Even in places that allow bars to operate, they aren’t full capacity and beyond that, people are just scared. People have created new habits for social environments.

In other words, singles are learning that bars aren’t the end-all for mainstream hookups.

And this might be great for your situation.

More people are gathering at homes for happy hour meetups. So if you meet a girl on Fuckbook, you are more likely to get a positive response inviting her to your home for a happy hour rather than to a bar.


The coronavirus pandemic is causing an upheaval in the dating world. However, if you keep your perspective in line, you can take advantage and get some pretty sexy hookups. It’s all about keeping it positive and looking for the good in any situation.