Hookup Sex: A Guide To FuckBook Dating

Fuckbook for hookup sex

Casual sex opportunities have never been more available. Modern girls are making a mass exodus from traditional sexist values and seeking out sexual freedom and pleasure.

Women want to be like men when it comes to sex. And let’s be honest, men are dirty dogs.

Landing some dirty hookup sex on FuckBook Dating has never been easier. Our site continues to grow as more and sexier singles migrate in from mainstream dating sites. Everyone’s done filling out surveys that tell them who they need to date. Everyone’s ready to drop pants and fuck until the sun comes up.

Now, I’d love to tell you that getting laid on FuckBook dating is a breeze. It is easy, something we write about all the time, but you can’t just sit on your hands and expect a blowjob.

You do have to do a little work. While that doesn’t mean a ton of heavy lifting, it does mean shuffling a few boxes about the room.

Let’s look at some ways to improve your FuckBook Dating experience.

Pick Winners

It doesn’t make sense to mass-blast messages. I know it is tempting. You’ve probably already done it. In a way, the logic seems sound. More messages, more opportunities to file through.

But when you mass message, you become just another template message in a sexy girl’s inbox. That may not matter to her at the end of the day, but the problem comes in when she looks past the message. Nothing tantalizes her. She doesn’t get that tickling feeling down below. Templates don’t turn on hot girls, real messages do.

So pick out some girls you really like and customize messages to them. Don’t waste a ton of time on these messages. Think of it like the handwritten thank you note you’d send a friend for helping you move. It should be too the point, but impactful.

Don’t Be a Douchbag

Yeah, douchebags get laid. On Jersey Shore. But Jersey Shore ain’t real life, folks.

Don’t go full-bro on a local sexy single, she will just delete your messages and possibly block you.

It’s great you have abs. But maybe don’t make that your profile picture.

You’re raised Camry is super cool. No need to show it off in your bio photos.

Show you. Show who you are and why fucking you would be an exciting fun time.

Convey Your Discreet

A couple of years ago, the staff at FuckBook Dating sent out surveys to girls. We wanted to know what made them pass or fuck a guy. The number one reason they fucked a guy?

The girl felt he was discreet.

If a girl can’t trust you to be discreet, you’re probably out.

Save The Dick Pic For Later

Girls on FuckBook Dating love dick. They love them in all shapes and sizes. Yep, there are FuckBook Dating female members who appreciate a small dick. Every guy has a chance on our site.

But, if you slide into a hot girl’s DMs with a dick pic, you are probably out. After a few messages, I’m sure they’d appreciate it. But as the initial outreach, you are probably done.

Girls want to see faces, first.

Use common sense, bros.


Getting laid on FuckBook Dating is easy. But not so easy that you can’t ruin it by being a total dirtbag. Save the dick pics for later and she doesn’t care about your abs. Templated messages fry your chances, pick sexy girls in your area that you’re really like and write a short, custom DM.