Adult online dating is as trendy as ever. Mostly, that’s due to cultural perception regarding discreet sexual encounters becoming more acceptable.
According to Pew Research, nearly 3 in 10 adults have tried online dating in some capacity. Clearly, those stats aren’t counting adult online dating, but we can guess the number is pretty high.
With the flood of new adult online dating members comes a slew of fresh new profile mistakes. The faster face, the more simpleton approach, of online dating almost confuses people who are used to complex personality testing by big-box dating sites.
But there are ways to improve your chances on an online adult dating site like Fuckbook right from the get-go.
Just follow a few solid rules and you’ll be fine.
Don’t Be Shy
You might play shy to seem humble. You might not feel comfortable talking about yourself.
No matter the reason, when you don’t put enough of yourself out there, girls won’t know what to make of you. Competition is thick, there are lots of guys willing to take the time to talk about themselves, so you’ll get passed on.
I know it can be difficult and uncomfortable to put yourself out there, especially on an adult dating site like Fuckbook. But fear not, it’s the right way forward.
But Don’t Brag
And here’s the rub.
I just told you to avoid being shy and “put yourself out there.” But now you need to do that in a way that doesn’t seem like your a braggart.
The truth is, that’s not so hard when you think about it.
Talking about a few things you enjoy in life can be done without seeming like an arrogant dick. Avoid talking about material things, or expensive restaurants. If you do have a lot of money and that’s your play, there are classy ways to convey such a message.
But mostly, girls on adult dating sites aren’t going to care about how much money you have. They desire a discreet encounter. They may only want you for one night, or infrequently.
Again, they are looking for information about you that conveys you’re a safe person that they have some sexual chemistry with.
Avoid Stating Too Much of The Obvious

“I love discreet banging.”
“I enjoy sex.”
Um, let’s hope you do. If you don’t enjoy sex, why are you on Fuckbook? Of course, you like getting laid, it’s why you signed up.
You don’t need to pump out unique, compelling content to partake in adult online dating. But at the same time, don’t fill your bio with a lot of obvious things.
Add in a little flair, things that make you unique, they don’t have to be sexual and probably shouldn’t be. The erotic chats will determine what you’re into sexually, you don’t need to fill up your bio with it.
Girls are here to get laid, sure, but they may want to know a little about you just for safety and chemistry reasons.
Leave The Baggage At Home
No one cares that your last fling was annoying, or that you are tired of this or that type of girl. Don’t signal to the Fuckbook dating world that you don’t get along with other girls.
If you post about your dramas, most girls will take an immediate hard pass on you.
Keep your vibe positive. You want to convey that your enjoyable to be around. Sure, it’s about the sex, but no hot girl wants to bang a downer bro.
Don’t Inundate Your Profile With Dick Pics
Just because Fuckbook is an adult online dating site doesn’t give you a free pass to flood your profile with dick pics. Nothing could be less interesting to a girl than clicking on a profile only to be overwhelmed with dick pic mayhem.
You want to earn the right to send a dick pic to her. If she wants a dick pic, she’ll ask. Just like if you want to get her to send you nudes, you’ll need to establish a bit of chemistry through chat.
Slow your roll. Adult dating isn’t a slow process, but you can’t just swing for the fences on every pitch. Stand in there for a few pitches, first.
Ask Her Questions
She’s read your profile. She’s learned a bit about you. Now, ask her about her.
Yeah, you’re not vetting her for marriage. Fair enough. But you still need to attract her. And girls love guys who are interested in them.
You don’t want to be overly personal. Ask her what she likes in guys, or how her Fuckbook experiences have been, or if she has a favorite sports team. See where the conversation takes you both. It can help you both to learn more about one another.
Convey Your Adherence To Discretion
No girl wants a dude that brags. Many girls on Fuckbook are married and looking for a side dick experience.
If they can’t trust you to keep your mouth shut, they won’t meet up with you. You need to make sure you explain how important you feel discretion is. Not only for her but for yourself. If they understand that you also have something to lose, they are more willing to give you a chance.
Discreet sexual encounters happen because two people decide to trust one another. Trust is built through solid, effective conversation. Don’t be too shy, but don’t brag. Find balance and you’ll get laid all the time on Fuckbook.