For the most part, Fuckbook allows us to have strange, exciting sex with no strings attached. And that’s a good thing. Because many of us just aren’t ready for a full-time relationship, or, we are in one and looking for sex on the side.
We understand that we may have sex and then never hear from that girl again. It’s as much a part fo the lure as it is embedded in the mystery. That’s mostly a good thing.
But what happens when it’s not? When the sex is so good, we are suddenly addicted?
Sexy girls trick our minds, they incapacitate our senses, and that can cause us to have a lapse in judgment.
Fuckbook’s growth has come mainly due to guys wanting to meet and fuck, but not linger and endure emotional attachments. Girls share this sentiment, particularly the ones having a hookup affair on the side.
But sometimes, the hookup sex is so explosive, we feel an addiction set in. We desire the person physically so much that we can’t stop ruminating over the experience.
Some girls truly don’t want to ever see you again. They may have husband-obligations, or their Fuckbook experience was part of a “fun time” they need every now and then.
So they vanish into thin air. Suddenly they don’t respond to private chat messages. In some cases, their profile disappears.
And you are left, ghosted, feeling unsure and empty.
So what do we do when that happens?
Check Yourself – Test Your Desire
If you haven’t had new sex in a long while, any girl that provides an experience for you might well seem like the last sexy girl on earth. But as those who use Fuckbook consistently already understand, there is a lot of fish in the sea.

You need to determine if this girl was really that amazing in the sack, or if you are just having first-timers anxiety.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had a one night stand, take some breaths and get back on Fuckbook and see what you come up with. Give the system a chance to work for you. Don’t fall trap to a new comfort zone.
Remember, breaking your comfort zone brought you to Fuckbook in the first place. It’s what helped inspire the amazing night you had. So why abort the mission right when your success happens? That doesn’t make coherent sense.
See if staying the course is the best option. You are playing with a hot hand, why not put in more chips?
Fuckbook Ghosting Is Normal
Again, Fuckbook is an adult dating site. Girls are looking for flings and hookups.
If you take being ghosted personally, you might reexamine your relationship with this site. In all honesty, it may not be for you.
She’s not losing you because you suck. She is just doing what she set out to do. She wanted a hot fling, that was you, take your blowjob and store it in the memory bank as a win.
Don’t Blow Her Up
If she’s been responsive but seems to fade in and out of connection, don’t blow her phone up. That will make things worse.
Remember, some girls are married or in a relationship. While many girls are forthcoming about their desire to have an affair, others hide it even to you. They do this because they want to lower the risk of anyone knowing.
Unfortunately, if a guy gets obsessed with them and knows they are married, he gains leverage over them. Many girls want risk-free, discreet sex, and this translates to hiding their personal lives.
If you blow her up too much, she may block you so that her husband doesn’t see her phone going off. And then you are unlikely to ever connect with her again.
Be patient, if she wants to hook up with you again, she’ll eventually respond. Trust the process.
Be Polite, Ask Her What She Wants
In the future, it’s best to iron out the dynamics of your hook up during the discreet sexual encounter. That’s the perfect time to decide if you two may ever see and fuck one another again.
But if you both failed to do such, you are where you are.
If you suspect you are being ghosted, or that she’s suddenly short with you, just ask her what the deal is. But be nice.
Don’t play to emotions. Don’t pull the “I thought we had something, I’m sad” card.
You met her on Fuckbook, she doesn’t care for sappy texts.
Instead, be matter of fact.
“I am down to hook up again if you are. But I also understand if you prefer not. Let me know when you get a chance.”
Also, remember, she maybe hooking up with another guy. If you’ve sent a bunch of sappy texts, she may see you as a risk. She may think you can’t handle her playing the field.
It’s OK to make it clear that you don’t care if she’s playing the field a bit. But don’t convey you think she’s a slut. Yeah, I know, this is Fuckbook, but still, she probably won’t like that.
It’s better that you convey it of yourself.
“To be clear, I had a lot of fun with you, but I understand we both want this to be discreet and certainly not committed. Just want to continue having fun, if you are down.”
In this way, you convey that you are into her, want to hook up again, but you also understand she doesn’t want to be with just you. Oh, and it’s clear you aren’t gonna become attached to her and have expectations and all that.
It’s best to utilize Fuckbook as a way to meet flings and hook ups. If you want more than that, you are better off using a big box mainstream dating site. In adult dating, many girls equally enjoy discreet sex. They don’t want to risk their marriage over a one-night-stand.
If you get “hooked” on your hook up because the sex was that explosive, convey your desire to re-hook up but also that you aren’t a creep. You need to maintain the discreet, no-strings-attached nature of things. Otherwise, you may make her uneasy and she will never come around to you.